Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Improving Schizophrenia With Mental Illness - 1591 Words

Improving Schizophrenia with Risperdal Mental illness affects millions of people every day. One of the most debilitating forms of mental illness is schizophrenia. The Oxford dictionary defines schizophrenia as; A long-term mental disorder of a type involving a breakdown in the relation between thought, emotion, and behavior, leading to faulty perception, inappropriate actions and feelings, withdrawal from reality and personal relationships into fantasy and delusion, and a sense of mental fragmentation (2015). The symptoms experienced by the patient impair functioning on social and cognitive levels. Due to the severe effects of the illness, it is important to pursue treatment in an attempt to stabilize the patient and to control his†¦show more content†¦Characteristics of Schizophrenia â€Å"Schizophrenia† is a relatively new label of an illness that has been identified throughout history since ancient Egyptian times. Prior to being named in 1911 by Eugen Bleuler, reports of illness with similar symptoms were being referred to as â€Å"dementia praecox†, meaning dementia in early life (The Internet Mental Health Initiative, 2015). Bleuler questioned the claim that this illness was a result of mental deterioration and instead believed â€Å"schizophrenia led to a heightened consciousness of memories and experiences† (Sussex Publishers, LLC., 2015). Bleuler combined Greek words â€Å"schizo† (split) and â€Å"phrene† (mind) to more accurately describe what he had observed in patients. He did not believe that the mind split into parts or personalities, but more so that the mind would split away from reality and existence into an altered state (Sussex Publishers, LLC., 2015). The DSM- IV categorizes these states based on the expressed symptoms as paranoid, disorganized, catatonic, residual, and undifferentiated (American Psychiatric Association, 2013). Although the symptoms can be easily categorized, diagnosing schizophrenia is much more difficult. This is due to the spectrum of severity and if the client projects positive or negative symptoms. In the case of schizophrenia, positive symptoms are the behaviors that are added to or

Monday, December 23, 2019

Stereotypes And Gender Roles Of Women Essay - 1522 Words

A stereotype can be defined as â€Å"a widely held but fixed and oversimplified image or idea of a particular type of person or thing.† Stereotypes are preconceived notions about a group of people. Gender roles are â€Å"the public image of being a particular gender that a person presents to others.† These roles are also known as the social norms that dictate the types of behaviors that are deemed acceptable, appropriate or desirable for people of the two genders. Both stereotypes and gender roles of women (and of men) have spanned the centuries. When looking at medieval texts as well as a Classical Greek text, readers are shown how women, especially, are viewed by society as well as the role they are given. During these times women were typically stereotyped to be less dominant than men and their gender roles were very narrowly focused on life inside the home but in some literature pieces that wasn t the case. Stereotypes reflect social attitudes about the kind of hum an being women (and men) are. Stereotypes reflect a person’s character and special nature. Women during Medieval times were extremely unequal to men in all aspects of life. Women were less educated, not entitled to a political vote and were not able to choose whether or not to marry or to have children. It seems as if women, when they became wives, were almost treated as children by their husbands. Women were told what to do, what to say and basically how to live their life by their â€Å"superiors,† men. However,Show MoreRelatedGender Roles And Stereotypes Of Women1675 Words   |  7 Pagesoccasional generic, sexist, joke, but these jokes and phrases may be more harmful than they seem. Gender roles influence the way people see the world, everything from parenting roles to places in the workforce are affected by how the public perceives gender. This is why those simple ‘jokes’ are so problematic. They are symptomatic of the toxic way the world sees gen der. Gender roles affect men and women which leaves no one at the winning side, and at this point in history, no one at fault. TeenagersRead MoreGender Roles And Stereotypes Of Women981 Words   |  4 Pagesmale dominancy. Women’s wisdom and talent goes unappreciated and unnoticeable as the series progresses. Women are portrayed as either the sidekicks of the male characters or an instrument in which men use to fill their sexual needs. The women in the show are often dependent on the man’s advice and supposedly sound reasoning. The message from the show symbolizes that in a society without men, women would be emotionally deprived and crazed, but with men they can develop a self-actualization that is notRead MoreWomen s Roles And Gender Stereotypes Essay1154 Words   |  5 PagesWomen’s Roles The Simpsons is a TV show that airs on the Fox network. During the fifth season, in an episode called Lisa vs. Malibu Stacy, Lisa challenges the makers of the Malibu Stacy doll to create a less sexist doll. The original creator of Malibu Stacy teams up with Lisa to create Lisa Lionheart to create a positive influence for young girls. This episode raised a lot of questions regarding gender roles and stereotypes. Gender stereotypes are prominent in today’s life style. Per gender stereotypesRead MoreWhy And How Gender Stereotypes1654 Words   |  7 PagesWhy and How Gender Stereotypes in Advertisements are Challenged Traditional gender roles were constructed based on devotion to cultural value as well as social construct based geographical placement. Males were usually associated and expected to express masculinity while females on the other hand had to express femininity (Ickes). The gender roles have been preserved for too long and it has become almost like a permanent component of a society—like a body part itself, rather than a constructed normsRead MoreGender Stereotypes In Mulan1673 Words   |  7 Pagesthe media portrays is often what is perceived. Instead of using the media to strengthen stereotypes among people, the media should be used to stop stereotyping once and for all. While gender stereotypes do unfortunately exist, representations of gender in pop culture can have a positive impact by allowing society to see these stereotypes being broken. In the Disney classic, Mulan, several gender stereotypes are portrayed throughout the film. Mulan, the main character, faces several expectationsRead MoreTeaching In A Twenty First Century Society, The Expectation1140 Words   |  5 PagesTeaching in a twenty first century society, the expectation for gender equality is important to provide the proper exposure, understanding, and educate individuals about society’s norms. These expectations that students will need to make acceptable choices for the betterment of their future. Therefore, it is the duty for educators to offer introductions in gender roles, gender stereotypes, and sexism. These are sensitive topics and need to be taught accurately with balanced information and with aRead MoreEssay On Gender Oppression1507 Words   |  7 PagesGender Oppression Nelson Mandela once said, Freedom cannot be achieved unless women have been emancipated from all forms of oppression. What Mandela is trying to convey is that society is being restrained by social norms and gender roles. While today’s society is not as controlled by gender as Mandela’s, women still continue to be oppressed by it. In the reading â€Å"The Cycle of Oppression,† the cycle is explained part by part, and why it is continuous is discovered. The cycle remains continuous becauseRead MoreBefore Diving Into The Current State Of Male Roles In Advertising,1322 Words   |  6 PagesBefore diving into the current state of male roles in advertising, it is necessary to review past gender stereotypes and how they have developed in the past. Looking at advertising through the media from a social determinist standpoint, the existing cultural and social values and progresses are what determine how gender roles are portrayed in media. This would go against the cul tivation theory notion that the media used to portray men and women are what shape our cultural and social ideologiesRead MoreOrganizational Psychology : Gender And Leadership938 Words   |  4 Pagesstereotyping causes of the phenomena studied by organizational psychology underlying. Research on gender and leadership focuses on both college students and executives in various business settings. A common theme concerns the idea that a good leader is model described incompatible male with feminine behavior, sometimes thought of as think-Manager. For example, to provoke some settings pronounced stereotypes. If the expected leadership style of an organization at a given hora direct, exacerbate uncaringRead MoreEssay on Gender Stereotype538 Words   |  3 PagesGender Stereotype According to the writers in chapter, â€Å"Gender Stereotyping And the Media†, gender stereotypes are harmful to men and women. 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Sunday, December 15, 2019

Is it ethical to expel children carrying drugs or alcohol to school Free Essays

Last year, over â€Å"1000 schoolchildren were suspended, excluded or expelled from New Zealand schools last year for drugs or alcohol-related offences, with the youngest aged 8† (Stuff, 2013). The Ministry of Education released figures showing that one In ten children who had action taken against them in relation to substances in the year 2012, was under 12 years of age (Stuff, 2013). The Education Amendment Act has come under scrutiny as It priorities the right to privacy of students. We will write a custom essay sample on Is it ethical to expel children carrying drugs or alcohol to school or any similar topic only for you Order Now Effectively It means that schools would lose their authority to search and seize narcotics and conduct random drug tests. This, many educationalists argue, would worsen the problem. The ethical Issue that arises In this case amongst others Is whether schools should continue to retain their search and seizure powers or should the privacy of the students be given priority as per the Education Amendment Bill. Another key issue that is begging resolution is the dilemma of whether or not, children found in possession of drugs and alcohol, should be expelled or excluded. Is expulsion of a child found In possession of narcotics in the best Interests of society and the child In question? It is important to also mention that since most of the children procured the absences from a knowing or unknowing adult, should the adult be vicariously responsible for the child take responsibility and face the consequences Instead of letting the child take the fall? Is It not the responsibility of the parent to ensure that children stay away from vices until they are old enough to judge for themselves? Due 1 OFF expulsion and attempt to provide some insight into whether or not it is the best course of action to employ. Thomas Hobbes (1651) proposed the idea that â€Å"in order to flourish, we need a peaceful, cooperative social order† (Reaches Reaches, 2010, p. 0). Hobbes goes on to say that if there were no institutions to enforce order, we would be free to do whatever we wanted. This would eventually lead to a state of perpetual chaos. He has called this state of chaos â€Å"the state of nature† and it’s opposite â€Å"civil state† (Reaches Reaches, 2010). This means that in order to live harmoniously, we must abide by a set of rules that are accepted by everyone and applies to everyone equally. Hobbes was of the opinion that the four basic facts about human life were the reason for the existence of this social contract. He theorized firstly, that each of us requires the same basic things in order to survive, secondly, scarcity is omnipresent and we need to work hard to produce the things we need. Third on the list is the equality of human power (united we stand, divided we fall). Finally, there is limited altruism, which implies that we cannot assume that others will stand down when their interests conflict with ours. Since we do not learn the accepted rules of society on our own, we have schoolteachers and parents who amongst other things teach us how to behave in a socially acceptable manner. School helps us learn to build and maintain relationships. Most importantly attending school empowers us with knowledge to survive in the real world. Take school out of the equation and that leaves Just parents. Now consider the case of a young child who has gotten himself expelled for being curious about his parent’s secret drug stash. Unable to attend school, he might not realize the difference between a Joke and a crime because he is unaware of right and wrong, socially acceptable and unacceptable. He may develop an insecurity employ as he probably feels helpless and is shunned by his parents. These factors might lead him to become a criminal or worse, a drug addict. It is quite obvious that criminals and drug addicts are anti-social elements that need to be removed from the setting. It is safe to say that not all criminals are school dropouts however, most addicted to drugs haven’t been educated about the consequences of substance abuse and are helplessly addicted. The Social Contract Theory maintains that we need a social order in order to flourish. The only way to eliminate most of anti-social elements is to ensure that kids found in possession of drugs or alcohol remain in school to learn how to behave appropriately, and eventually grow up to become conscientious and responsible adults. The theory of Utilitarianism as stated by Reaches Reaches (2010) encompasses three categories. Firstly, actions can be Judged to be right or wrong depending on the consequences it brings about. Secondly, in terms of examining consequences, all that matters is the amount of happiness or unhappiness the action in question creates; person is more important than the other. This means that actions should be Judged as right or wrong depending on the amount of happiness or unhappiness everyone experiences as a consequence. Thus a deduction can be made that Utilitarian are essentially consequentialness, as they determine the ethical value based on an answer to the question â€Å"what would happen as a result of doing it? † (Reaches Reaches, 2010, p. 111). Utilitarianism is divided into two categories namely, Act and Rule Utilitarianism. Act Utilitarian believe that an action must be Judged by the consequences it causes (Reaches Reaches, 2010, p. 22). Rule Utilitarian believe that an action must be Judged on the consequence of the action becoming the norm that everyone lived by (Reaches Reaches, 2010, p. 18-119). Therefore it can be said that Utilitarianism Judges actions based on whether they yield the best consequences and happiness for everyone or not. Upon application of the Utilitarian approach to the issue of expulsion, the action of excluding children who are found in possession of narcotics or alcohol would produce two possible consequences. Firstly, because the child has been expelled, he ay lose interest in studying altogether. It is a proven fact that schools provide a protective environment that shields people from drug abuse (Bell, 2013). If they are unable to stay in that protected environment before entering the proverbial ‘real world’ there is a chance that they may be negatively influenced and resort to a life of crime, drug abuse and other anti-social behavior. The second consequence of one child caught in possession of drugs being expelled could serve as an example to the other children. This might cause them to refrain from coming in contact with drugs earning punishment. Although the second consequence appears to be feasible, as many children would benefit from one child being expelled and being made an example of, it is not guaranteed that other children will not indulge in drugs and alcohol outside school. Also, going by Rule Utilitarianism, if expelling children became the norm, crime, unemployment and illiteracy rates would rise and this in turn would affect the entire nation negatively. Therefore, Act and Rule Utilitarian would agree that expelling children found in possession of narcotics would be very unethical, as it loud cause much more unhappiness than happiness. Also, since Utilitarian believe that everyone’s happiness is equal, and that motives and intentions don’t matter, causing unhappiness to one child and to the general population in the long run by expelling him from school is something they would advocate against. In conclusion, I have explored the idea of a Social Contract and the Utilitarian approach in terms of the case to determine whether or not expelling children found to be in possession of narcotics or alcohol is ethical. Taking into consideration the Social Contract, and the possible consequences of Act and Rule based Utilitarianism I have deduced that expulsion or exclusion from school is not the best course of action. In order to suit everyone’s interests, it is crucial that the kids remain in school where they have the opportunity to learn about narcotics and socially acceptable behavior in a controlled and protected environment. After all, they are children, unable to distinguish between right and wrong, and in this case, it is imperative that Children are the future of any country and it is our moral duty to ensure that all sections we take have their best interests at heart. How to cite Is it ethical to expel children carrying drugs or alcohol to school, Papers

Saturday, December 7, 2019

Great Expectation Essay Summary Example For Students

Great Expectation Essay Summary The novel, Great Expectations, presents the story of a young boy growing up and becoming a gentleman. He must learn to appreciate people for who they are, not shun them for who they aren’t. Nicknamed Pip, Philip Pirrip, the main character, goes through many changes in his personality, as he is influenced by various people. Pip experiences tough times as a boy and a young man, but at the end he has In the beginning, Pip, an orphan, considers himself to be a common laboring boy, but he has a desire to improve his station in life. He is raised by his sister, and her husband, Joe Gargery. Then Pip meets Estella, the adopted daughter of Miss Havisham, an old lady who is bitter and eccentric. Estella taunts Pip and is very cruel to him, but he still falls in love with her. Miss Havisham is teaching Estella to hurt men, because she herself was deserted by her fianc on her wedding day. One day, Mr. Jaggers, a lawyer, reveals to Pip, that there are â€Å"Great Expectations† for Pip. He is given the money to become a gentleman and receive a good education; he assumes that his benefactor is Miss Havisham. In London, Pip makes many new, high-society friends. When Joe Gargery comes to visit Pip in his new way of life, Pip is ashamed of Joe, because he is a commoner. At this time, Pip is around twenty years old. Estella is still the center of his attractions. When she comes!to London, he meets her, but she tries to warn Pip to stay away from her because she might hurt his feelings. She is being kind to him in the only way that she knows how. Around the same time, Pip receives a letter telling him that Mrs. Joe Gargery had died. A man from Pip’s past steps out, an ex-convict, named Magwitch, who he had fed many years ago; this man is his true benefactor. Pip finally knows the truth about this man. Magwitch is Estella’s father, and Mr. Jagger’s housekeeper is Estella’s mother. A short time later, Estella is wed to Bentley Drummle, but she is very unhappy. Pip falls ill, and Joe comes to take care of him. While he is being nursed back to health, Pip starts to appreciate Joe and begins to look past the fact that he is â€Å"common.† He receives the news that Miss Havisham is dead. Pip visits Joe’s home and is told that Joe and Biddy, Pip’s friend, are married. Pip then returns to London and continues his life for eleven more years. Pip finally goes back to Joe’s house, to find that Joe and Biddy have a son, and they have named him Pip. During that last visit, he returns to Miss Havisham’s old run-down home. There he meets Estella, grown into a woman, her husband dead. There, Estella asks Pip to for!give her, he does, and all is well. So the story ends, with grown Pip and a changed Estella both at peace In conclusion, I thought that this was a very well written book. It took me a while to get into it and understand the plot, but now I see that Dickens wrote Great Expectations with a very complex plot and well described characters. From Joe Gargery to Miss Havisham, I really got to know the characters as if they were people. I would describe this book as a delightful story with a sprinkle of mystery and a handful of romance, with a pinch of fun all mixed in.Bibliography: